100 Adjectives Starting with F with Hindi

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100 Adjectives Starting with F with Hindi

100 Adjectives Starting with F with Hindi – Expanding your vocabulary is crucial for mastering English. In this post, we’ve gathered 100 essential English words starting with “F,” along with their Hindi meanings. These words will help you improve your communication, whether you’re preparing for exams or looking to enhance everyday conversations. Let’s dive into this vocabulary list to boost your language skills!

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100 Adjectives Starting with F with Hindi

1. Fabled [फेब्ल्ड] – प्रसिद्ध; विख्यात (Legendary; renowned)
2. Fabricated [फैब्रिकेटेड] – बनावटी; झूठा (Made up; falsified)
3. Facetious [फसिशस] – गंभीर मुद्दों पर अनुचित हास्य करने वाला (Treating serious issues with inappropriate humor)
4. Facile [फैसल] – आसानी से हासिल किया गया; सरल (Achieved easily; simplistic)
5. Factual [फैक्चुअल] – तथ्यात्मक; सच्चा (Concerned with facts; true)
6. Faint [फेंट] – कमजोर; अस्पष्ट (Lacking strength or clarity; weak)
7. Fair [फेयर] – न्यायपूर्ण; निष्पक्ष (Just and appropriate; impartial)
8. Faithful [फैथ्फल] – वफादार; विश्वसनीय (Loyal and trustworthy)
9. Fallacious [फलेशस] – भ्रामक; धोखाधड़ीपूर्ण (Misleading or deceptive)
10. Familiar [फमिलियर] – परिचित; आसानी से पहचाना जाने वाला (Well-known or easily recognized)
11. Famous [फेमस] – प्रसिद्ध; विख्यात (Known by many people; celebrated)
12. Fanatical [फनैटिकल] – अति उत्साही; कट्टर (Filled with extreme enthusiasm; zealous)
13. Fantastic [फैनटास्टिक] – असाधारण रूप से अच्छा; अद्भुत (Extraordinarily good; marvelous)
14. Far-reaching [फार रीचिंग] – व्यापक प्रभाव वाला (Having a wide range or effect)
15. Fascinating [फैसिनेटिंग] – अत्यंत रोचक; मनमोहक (Extremely interesting; captivating)
16. Fashionable [फैशनबल] – फैशनेबल; प्रचलित (Popular in a particular time; stylish)
17. Fastidious [फैसटिडियस] – सूक्ष्मताओं पर ध्यान देने वाला; सटीक (Very attentive to details; meticulous)
18. Fatal [फेटल] – घातक; जानलेवा (Resulting in death; deadly)
19. Fathomable [फैथमबल] – समझने योग्य (Understandable; comprehensible)
20. Fatuous [फैचुअस] – मूर्खतापूर्ण; निरर्थक (Silly and pointless)
21. Favorable [फेवरबल] – अनुकूल; लाभकारी (Showing approval; beneficial)
22. Fearful [फियरफुल] – भयभीत; चिंतित (Feeling afraid; apprehensive)
23. Fearless [फियरलस] – निर्भीक; बहादुर (Without fear; brave)
24. Feasible [फीज़बल] – संभव; व्यावहारिक (Likely to be easily or conveniently done)
25. Feeble [फीबल] – दुर्बल; कमजोर (Lacking physical strength; weak)
26. Felicitous [फेलिसिटस] – उपयुक्त; सार्थक (Well-suited; appropriate)
27. Ferocious [फेरोशस] – अत्यधिक आक्रामक; भयंकर (Extremely aggressive or fierce)
28. Fertile [फर्टाइल] – उपजाऊ; उर्वर (Capable of producing crops or offspring)
29. Fervent [फर्वन्ट] – उत्साही; जोशीला (Having intense passion or enthusiasm)
30. Fickle [फिकल] – अस्थिर; परिवर्तनीय (Changing frequently; inconsistent)
31. Fiery [फायरी] – उग्र; जोशीला (Having a passionate nature; heated)
32. Filthy [फिल्थी] – गंदा; अशुद्ध (Extremely dirty; unclean)
33. Final [फाइनल] – अंतिम; आखिरी (Coming at the end; last)
34. Finite [फाइनाइट] – सीमित; निश्चित (Limited in size or extent)
35. Firm [फर्म] – मजबूत; दृढ़ (Solidly in place; fixed)
36. Firsthand [फर्स्टहैंड] – प्रत्यक्ष; मूल स्रोत से (Directly; from the original source)
37. Fitting [फिटिंग] – उपयुक्त; संगत (Suitable or appropriate)
38. Fixed [फिक्स्ड] – स्थिर; अचल (Securely in position; stable)
39. Flamboyant [फ्लैमबॉयंट] – चमकदार; भड़कीला (Bright, colorful, and often ostentatious)
40. Flawless [फ्लॉलेस] – निष्कलंक; दोषरहित (Without any imperfections; perfect)
41. Fleet [फ्लीट] – तीव्र; तेज (Fast and nimble)
42. Flexible [फ्लेक्सिबल] – लचीला; समायोज्य (Capable of bending or adapting)
43. Flourishing [फ्लरिशिंग] – फलता-फूलता; विकसित हो रहा (Developing rapidly and thriving)
44. Fluid [फ्लुइड] – तरल; प्रवाही (Smooth and flowing in movement)
45. Focused [फोकस्ड] – केंद्रित; ध्यान केंद्रित करने वाला (Concentrated attention or effort on something)
46. Foolhardy [फूलहार्डी] – मूर्खतापूर्ण साहसी (Unwisely bold; rash)
47. Foolish [फूलिश] – मूर्ख; नासमझ (Lacking good judgment; unwise)
48. Forbidding [फर्बिडिंग] – डरावना; भयानक (Unfriendly or threatening in appearance)
49. Forceful [फोर्सफुल] – शक्तिशाली; दृढ़ (Strong and assertive)
50. Foreseeable [फोरसीएबल] – अनुमानित; भविष्य में संभावित (Able to be predicted)

Most Common 100 Adjectives Starting with F with Hindi

51. Forgotten [फर्गॉट्न] – भुलाया हुआ; विस्मृत (Not remembered; neglected)
52. Formal [फॉर्मल] – औपचारिक; नियमानुसार (Following rules or customs; official)
53. Formidable [फॉर्मिडबल] – भयानक; शक्तिशाली (Inspiring fear or respect; powerful)
54. Forthcoming [फोर्थकमिंग] – निकट भविष्य में होने वाला (About to happen or appear)
55. Fortuitous [फॉरच्यूइटस] – आकस्मिक; सौभाग्यशाली (Happening by chance; lucky)
56. Fragile [फ्रैजाइल] – नाजुक; टूटने योग्य (Easily broken or damaged)
57. Frail [फ्रेल] – कमजोर; नाजुक (Physically weak; delicate)
58. Frank [फ्रैंक] – स्पष्टवादी; ईमानदार (Open and honest in speech)
59. Frantic [फ्रैंटिक] – उन्मत्त; घबराहट से भरा (Wild with fear or anxiety)
60. Fraternal [फ्रटर्नल] – भ्रातृ संबंधी; भाईचारे वाला (Relating to brothers or camaraderie)
61. Fraudulent [फ्रॉड्युलेंट] – धोखाधड़ीपूर्ण; कपटी (Deceitful or dishonest)
62. Freezing [फ्रीजिंग] – अत्यधिक ठंडा (Extremely cold)
63. Frequent [फ्रीक्वेंट] – बार-बार होने वाला; अक्सर (Occurring often)
64. Fresh [फ्रेश] – ताजा; नया (New or recently made)
65. Fretful [फ्रेट्फल] – चिंतित; बेचैन (Worried or irritable)
66. Friendly [फ्रेंडली] – मैत्रीपूर्ण; दोस्ताना (Kind and pleasant)
67. Frightening [फ्राइटनिंग] – डरावना; भयभीत करने वाला (Causing fear or terror)
68. Frivolous [फ्रिवलस] – तुच्छ; गैर-गंभीर (Not serious or important; trivial)
69. Frothy [फ्रॉथी] – झागदार (Full of bubbles)
70. Frustrating [फ्रस्ट्रेटिंग] – निराशाजनक; खीझ पैदा करने वाला (Causing annoyance or disappointment)
71. Fruitful [फ्रूट्फल] – लाभदायक; सफल (Producing good results; productive)
72. Full-bodied [फुल-बॉडीड] – गाढ़ा; मजबूत स्वाद वाला (Rich in flavor or texture)
73. Functional [फंक्शनल] – कार्यात्मक; उपयोगी (Serving a purpose; practical)
74. Funny [फनी] – मजेदार; हास्यास्पद (Causing laughter; amusing)
75. Furtive [फर्टिव] – गुप्त; चुपके से (Secretive or sneaky)
76. Futile [फ्यूटाइल] – व्यर्थ; निरर्थक (Incapable of producing results; useless)
77. Fuzzy [फज़ी] – धुंधला; नरम (Not clear; soft)
78. Futuristic [फ्यूचरिस्टिक] – भविष्यवादी; उन्नत (Ahead of its time; modern)
79. Fulsome [फुलसम] – अत्यधिक; कृत्रिम (Excessive and insincere)
80. Fundamental [फंडामेंटल] – मौलिक; बुनियादी (Basic and essential)
81. Fanciful [फैंसिफुल] – कल्पनाशील; अवास्तविक (Imaginary; unrealistic)
82. Fastidious [फस्टिडियस] – अत्यधिक सावधानीपूर्वक; कठिन-संतुष्ट (Hard to please; overly careful)
83. Fateful [फेथ्फुल] – निर्णायक; महत्वपूर्ण (Decisive or having serious consequences)
84. Faultless [फॉल्ट्लेस] – निर्दोष; त्रुटिहीन (Without mistakes; perfect)
85. Fawning [फॉनिंग] – चापलूस; अतिरंजित प्रशंसा करने वाला (Overly flattering; obsequious)
86. Feckless [फेक्लेस] – निर्बल; कमजोर चरित्र वाला (Lacking initiative or strength)
87. Fecund [फीकंड] – उपजाऊ; विचारशील (Fertile or intellectually productive)
88. Feral [फेरल] – जंगली; असंयमित (Wild and untamed)
89. Festive [फेस्टिव] – उत्सव संबंधी; हर्षोल्लासपूर्ण (Related to celebration or joy)
90. Fictitious [फिक्टिशस] – काल्पनिक; मनगढ़ंत (Imaginary or invented)
91. Fiendish [फीन्डिश] – शैतानी; निर्दयी (Extremely cruel or wicked)
92. Figurative [फिगरेटिव] – रूपकात्मक; प्रतीकात्मक (Symbolic or metaphorical)
93. Filial [फिलियल] – पुत्र संबंधी; संतानों का कर्तव्य (Relating to the duty of a son or daughter)
94. Finite [फाइनाइट] – सीमित; निश्चित (Having limits; measurable)
95. Flamboyant [फ्लैम्बॉएंट] – भड़कीला; आकर्षक (Bright, eye-catching; extravagant)
96. Flawed [फ्लॉड] – त्रुटिपूर्ण; दोषयुक्त (Imperfect; with faults)
97. Fleeting [फ्लीटिंग] – क्षणिक; अल्पकालिक (Lasting for a very short time)
98. Flexible [फ्लेक्सिबल] – लचीला; समायोज्य (Easily bent or adaptable)
99. Flourishing [फ्लरिशिंग] – प्रगति कर रहा; सफल (Thriving; successful)
100. Fluent [फ्लूएंट] – धाराप्रवाह; सरलता से बोलने वाला (Able to speak or write easily and smoothly)

Spoken English Vocabulary with Hindi

List of Adjectives With Letter A

Basic Adjectives List with Hindi

List of Adjectives With Letter B with Hindi

Common Adjectives With Hindi Meaning Letter C

List of Adjectives with Hindi Starting from C

Common Verbs Made from Adjectives

List of Common Adjectives with Hindi with C

Adjectives with Letter D with Hindi

Common Adjectives with Letter E

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