Common Irregular Verbs by Ending Pattern

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Common Irregular Verbs by Ending Pattern

Common Irregular Verbs by Ending Pattern – Irregular verbs don’t follow the normal grammar rules. You can’t just add ‘ed’ or ‘d’ to make their past forms. Instead, irregular verbs have their own special past tense forms. For example, “swim” changes to “swam” in the past and “swum” as the past participle.

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Common Irregular Verbs by Ending Pattern

Forms of Irregular Verbs

There are three forms of an irregular verb. 

  • 1st Form or present simple form.
  • 2nd Form or simple past form.
  • 3rd Form or Past participle form. 

An Alternative Method to Learn Irregular Verbs and Their Conjugation

Another way to learn irregular verbs easily: is by grouping them based on how their spelling changes. Check out the table below to see how it works.

Common Irregular Verbs by Ending Pattern

Base Verb Simple Past Form Past Participle Form
Irregular Verbs Ending in ‘Ow/Aw’ → ‘Ew’ → ‘Own/Awn’
Blow Blew Blown
Throw Threw Thrown
Know Knew Known
Grow Grew Grown
Draw Drew Drawn
Irregular Verbs Ending in ‘Ise’ → ‘Ose’ → ‘Isen’
Arise Arose Arisen
Rise Rose Risen
Irregular Verbs Ending in ‘Ive’ → ‘Ove/Ave’ → ‘Iven’
Strive Strove Striven
Give Gave Given
Forgive Forgave Forgiven
Irregular Verbs Ending in ‘Et’ → ‘Ot’ → ‘Otten’
Get Got Gotten
Forget Forgot Forgotten
Irregular Verbs Ending in ‘Ide/Ite’ → ‘Ode/Ote/Id/It’ → ‘Idden/Itten’
Ride Rode Ridden
Write Wrote Written
Bite Bit Bitten
Hide Hid Hidden
Irregular Verbs Ending in ‘Ink/Ing/In’ → ‘Ank/Ang/An’ → ‘Unk/Ung/Un’
Sink Sank Sunk
Drink Drank Drunk
Sing Sang Sung
Ring Rang Rung
Spring Sprang Sprung
Begin Began Begun
Irregular Verbs Ending in ‘Ake’ → ‘Ook’ → ‘Aken’
Take Took Taken
Shake Shook Shaken
Mistake Mistook Mistaken
Irregular Verbs Ending in ‘Eak/Ake/Eal’ → ‘Oke/Ole’ → ‘Oken/Olen’
Break Broke Broken
Speak Spoke Spoken
Wake Woke Woken
Steal Stole Stolen
Irregular Verbs Ending in ‘Ear’ → ‘Ore’ → ‘Orn/Orne’
Wear Wore Worn
Tear Tore Torn
Bear Bore Borne
Irregular Verbs Ending in ‘Oose’ → ‘Ose’ → ‘Osen’
Choose Chose Chosen
Irregular Verbs With ‘Ought/Aught’ in the Simple Past and Past Participle Form
Seek Sought Sought
Think Thought Thought
Catch Caught Caught
Buy Bought Bought
Fight Fought Fought
Bring Brought Brought
Teach Taught Taught

Irregular Verb Exercise 

1. I ___ (go) to the store yesterday.
– Answer: went

2. She ___ (eat) all the cookies before I arrived.
– Answer: ate

3. They have ___ (see) that movie three times.
– Answer: seen

4. He ___ (take) the dog for a walk this morning.
– Answer: took

5. We ___ (give) him a gift for his birthday.
– Answer: gave

6. The cat ___ (sleep) on the couch all day.
– Answer: slept

7. I ___ (write) a letter to my friend last night.
– Answer: wrote

8. She has ___ (speak) to the manager about the issue.
– Answer: spoken

9. They ___ (drink) all the lemonade at the party.
– Answer: drank

10. He ___ (begin) his new job last week.
– Answer: began

11. I have ___ (go) to the store many times this week.
– Answer: gone

12. She has ___ (eat) all the cookies before dinner.
– Answer: eaten

13. They have ___ (see) that movie three times.
– Answer: seen

14. He has ___ (take) the dog for a walk every morning.
– Answer: taken

15. We have ___ (give) him a gift for his birthday each year.
– Answer: given

16. The cat has ___ (sleep) on the couch all day.
– Answer: slept

17. I have ___ (write) a letter to my friend.
– Answer: written

18. She has ___ (speak) to the manager about the issue.
– Answer: spoken

19. They have ___ (drink) all the lemonade at the party.
– Answer: drunk

20. He has ___ (begin) his new job recently.
– Answer: begun

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