600+ Fixed Preposition with Hindi Part-3

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600+ Fixed Preposition with Hindi Part-3

600+ Fixed Preposition with Hindi Part-3 – Welcome to the third post of 600+ Fixed Preposition with Hindi. These fixed Prepositions are often asked in various competitive exams.

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600+ Fixed Preposition with Hindi Part-3

1. Accompanied by (Verb) — Having someone or something with you — साथ होना

Example: He was accompanied by his friends.

वह अपने दोस्तों के साथ था।

2. Accuse of (Verb) — To charge someone with a crime or wrongdoing — आरोप लगाना

Example: She was accused of theft.

उस पर चोरी का आरोप लगाया गया।

Everyone in the society accused him of robbery.

सोसायटी में सभी लोगों ने उस पर डकैती का आरोप लगाया।

3. Afraid of (Adjective) — Feeling fear or anxiety about something — डरना

Example: He is afraid of snakes.

वह साँपों से डरता है।

4. Aware of (Adjective) — Having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact — जागरूक

Example: She is aware of the risks involved.

वह जोखिमों के बारे में जागरूक है।

5. Beware of (Verb) — Be cautious and alert to the dangers of — सावधान रहना

Example: Beware of the dog.

कुत्ते से सावधान रहें।

6. Busy with (Adjective) — Occupied with an activity or task — व्यस्त होना

Example: She is busy with her homework.

वह अपने होमवर्क में व्यस्त है।

7. Capable of (Adjective) — Having the ability to do something — सक्षम

Example: He is capable of solving this problem.

वह इस समस्या को हल करने में सक्षम है।

8. Close to (Adjective) — Near to someone or something — पास में

Example: The school is close to the park.

स्कूल पार्क के पास है।

9. Compare to (Verb) — To liken one thing to another / Comparison of dissimilar things असमान चीज से तुलना

Example: She compared him to a lion.

उसने उसकी तुलना शेर से की।

10. Compare with (Verb) — To examine the differences and similarities between two things — समान चीज के बीच तुलना करना

Example: Compare this product with that one.

 इस उत्पाद की उस उत्पाद से तुलना करें।

11. Conscious of (Adjective) — Aware of and responding to one\’s surroundings — सचेत

Example: He was conscious of the people staring at him.

 वह लोगों के घूरने के बारे में सचेत था।

12. Contrary to (Adjective) — Opposite in nature, direction, or meaning — के विपरीत

Example: Contrary to popular belief, he is very kind.

 सामान्य विश्वास के विपरीत, वह बहुत दयालु है।

13. Convicted of (Verb) — Found guilty of a crime — दोषी ठहराना

Example: He was convicted of murder.

 उसे हत्या का दोषी ठहराया गया।

14. Dear to (Adjective) Loved or cherished by someone — प्रिय

Example: She is very dear to me.

 वह मुझे बहुत प्रिय है।

15. Desire for (Noun) — A strong feeling of wanting something — इच्छा

Example: He has a desire for success.

 उसे सफलता की इच्छा है।

16. Desirous of (Adjective) — Having a desire for something — इच्छुक

Example: He is desirous of starting his own business.

 वह अपना खुद का व्यवसाय शुरू करने का इच्छुक है।

17. Despite (Preposition) — In spite of — के बावजूद

Example: Despite his illness, he attended the meeting.

 अपनी बीमारी के बावजूद, वह बैठक में शामिल हुआ।

18. Dream of (Verb) — To imagine or think about something that you would like to happen — सपना देखना

Example: She dreams of becoming a doctor.

 वह डॉक्टर बनने का सपना देखती है।

19. Due to (Preposition) — Because of something — के कारण

Example: The train was delayed due to heavy rain.

 भारी बारिश के कारण ट्रेन देरी से आई।

20. Envious of (Adjective) — Feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages — ईर्ष्या करना

Example: She is envious of her sister’s success.

 वह अपनी बहन की सफलता से ईर्ष्या करती है।

21. Escape from (Verb) — To get away from a place where you are being kept — भागना

Example: He managed to escape from prison.

 वह जेल से भागने में सफल हो गया।

22. Fortunate of (Adjective) — This phrase is not commonly used. Typically, “fortunate to” is used.

Example: He felt fortunate to have such good friends.

 उसे ऐसे अच्छे दोस्तों का होना भाग्यशाली महसूस हुआ।

I am fortunate of having such good friends.

मैं भाग्यशाली हूं कि मुझे ऐसे अच्छे दोस्त मिले।

23. Grateful to (Adj.) Feeling or showing thanks to someone — आभारी

Example: I am grateful to my parents for their support.

 मैं अपने माता-पिता के समर्थन के लिए आभारी हूँ।

24. In spite of (Preposition) — Despite something — के बावजूद

Example: In spite of the rain, they went for a walk.

 बारिश के बावजूद, वे टहलने गए।

25. Obedient to (Adjective) — Complying or willing to comply with orders or requests; submissive to another’s will — आज्ञाकारी

Example: The dog is obedient to its master.

कुत्ता अपने मालिक के प्रति आज्ञाकारी है।

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