250 Adjectives to Describe Feelings

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250 Adjectives to Describe Feelings: Expand Your Emotional Vocabulary

250 Adjectives to Describe Feelings: Expand Your Emotional Vocabulary – Words have a special way of helping us share how we feel. Whether you’re talking, writing, or just trying to connect with others, using the right words to describe emotions can make a big difference. In this blog post, we’ll share 250 top feeling-showing English adjectives to help you express everything from happiness to sadness, excitement to anger, and so much more. With these simple yet powerful adjectives, you’ll be able to better describe your emotions and connect with others more easily. Let’s dive in and explore these useful words!


Spoken English Vocabulary with Hindi

1. Abominable — घृणास्पद (very unpleasant)
2. Absorbed — मग्न (deeply engaged)
3. Absorbed — मग्न (completely focused)
4. Accepting — स्वीकारशील (open to new ideas)
5. Aching — पीड़ित (feeling pain)
6. Admiration — प्रशंसा (a feeling of respect)
7. Affected — प्रभावित (changed by something)
8. Affectionate — स्नेही (showing love)
9. Afflicted — पीड़ित (suffering from hardship)
10. Aggressive — आक्रामक (ready to attack or confront)
11. Agonized — कष्टग्रस्त (in severe pain)
12. Alarmed — चौंका हुआ (suddenly scared)
13. Alarmed — चौंका हुआ (startled by fear)
14. Alienated — अलगावग्रस्त (feeling isolated)
15. Alone — अकेला (by oneself)
16. Amazing — आश्चर्यजनक (extremely impressive)
17. Anguish — पीड़ा (extreme mental or physical suffering)
18. Anguish — पीड़ा (intense distress)
19. Animated — जीवंत (full of life)
20. Annoyed — नाराज (slightly angry)
21. Anxious — चिंतित (worried)
22. Appalled — हैरान (shocked or disgusted)
23. Ashamed — शर्मिंदा (feeling guilty or embarrassed)
24. At ease — आराम में (relaxed)
25. Attracted — आकर्षित (drawn towards)
26. Bad — बुरा (not good)
27. Bitter — कड़वा (sharp in taste or emotion)
28. Blessed — आशीर्वादित (favored or fortunate)
29. Boiling — उबलता हुआ (extremely hot)
30. Boiling — उबलता हुआ (rapidly heated)
31. Bold — साहसी (confident and brave)
32. Bored — निरस (feeling uninterested)
33. Brave — वीर (showing courage)
34. Bright — उज्ज्वल (shining or intelligent)
35. Calm — शांत (free from agitation)
36. Certain — निश्चित (sure or confident)
37. Challenged — चुनौतीपूर्ण (facing difficulties)
38. Cheerful — प्रसन्न (happy and bright)
39. Clever — चतुर (quick-witted)
40. Close — नज़दीकी (near in distance or relationship)
41. Comfortable — सुखद (feeling relaxed)
42. Comforted — सांत्वना मिली (given reassurance)
43. Concerned — चिंतित (worried about)
44. Confident — आत्मविश्वासी (sure of oneself)
45. Confident — आत्मविश्वासी (having self-assurance)
46. Considerate — विचारशील (thoughtful toward others)
47. Content — संतुष्ट (satisfied)
48. Courageous — साहसी (brave in difficult situations)
49. Cowardly — कायर (lacking courage)
50. Cross — गुस्सैल (easily angered)
51. Crushed — ध्वस्त (feeling overwhelmed or broken)
52. Curious — जिज्ञासु (eager to learn)
53. Daring — साहसी (willing to take risks)
54. Dejected — उदास (feeling downcast)
55. Delighted — प्रसन्न (extremely pleased)
56. Deprived — वंचित (lacking what is needed)
57. Desolate — निर्जन (empty and abandoned)
58. Despair — निराशा (complete loss of hope)
59. Desperate — हताश (feeling hopeless)
60. Despicable — नीच (worthy of contempt)
61. Determined — दृढ़संकल्पी (firm in purpose)
62. Detestable — निंदनीय (extremely unpleasant)
63. Devoted — समर्पित (very loyal)
64. Diminished — कम हुआ (reduced in size or value)
65. Disappointed — निराश (sad over unmet expectations)
66. Discouraged — हतोत्साहित (lacking confidence)
67. Disgusting — घिनौना (extremely repulsive)
68. Disillusioned — निराश (disappointed by reality)
69. Disinterested — उदासीन (unconcerned)
70. Dismayed — विस्मित (disturbed or shocked)

250 Adjectives to Describe Feelings

71. Dissatisfied — असंतुष्ट (not pleased)
72. Distressed — पीड़ित (experiencing severe anxiety)
73. Distrustful — अविश्वासी (suspicious of others)
74. Dominated — अधीन (controlled by someone or something)
75. Doubtful — संदिग्ध (uncertain)
76. Dull — उबाऊ (lacking interest or brightness)
77. Dynamic — गतिशील (energetic and forceful)
78. Eager — उत्सुक (keenly desirous)
79. Earnest — गंभीर (serious and sincere)
80. Easy — आसान (not difficult)
81. Ecstatic — उल्लासित (extremely happy)
82. Elated — प्रसन्न (very joyful)
83. Embarrassed — शर्मिंदा (feeling self-conscious)
84. Empty — खाली (containing nothing)
85. Encouraged — प्रोत्साहित (given hope or confidence)
86. Energetic — ऊर्जावान (full of energy)
87. Engrossed — मग्न (completely absorbed)
88. Enraged — क्रोधित (very angry)
89. Enthusiastic — उत्साही (showing intense interest)
90. Excited — उत्साहित (full of eagerness)
91. Fascinated — मुग्ध (strongly attracted or interested)
92. Fatigued — थका हुआ (extremely tired)
93. Fearful — डरा हुआ (full of fear)
94. Festive — उत्सवी (in a celebratory mood)
95. Forced — जबरन (compelled against one’s will)
96. Fortunate — भाग्यशाली (lucky)
97. Free — मुक्त (not confined)
98. Frightened — डरा हुआ (scared)
99. Frisky — चंचल (playful and lively)
100. Frustrated — निराश (feeling upset due to obstacles)
101. Fuming — गुस्से से भरा (boiling with anger)
102. Gay — खुश (cheerful)
103. Glad — खुश (pleased)
104. Gleeful — आनंदित (full of joy)
105. Great — महान (of high quality)
106. Grief — शोक (deep sorrow)
107. Grieved — शोकाकुल (mourning deeply)
108. Guilty — दोषी (feeling responsible for wrongdoing)
109. Hardy — मजबूत (robust and strong)
110. Hateful — नफरत भरा (full of hate)
111. Heartbroken — दिल टूटा हुआ (overwhelmed with sadness)
112. Hesitant — हिचकिचाते हुए (unsure or reluctant)
113. Hopeful — आशावादी (expecting good outcomes)
114. Hostile — शत्रुतापूर्ण (unfriendly or antagonistic)
115. Humiliated — अपमानित (feeling deeply shamed)
116. Important — महत्वपूर्ण (of great significance)
117. Impulsive — आवेगी (acting without thinking)
118. In a stew — उलझन में (in a state of worry)
119. In despair — निराशा में (without hope)
120. In love — प्रेम में (feeling deep affection)
121. Incapable — अक्षम (not able to do something)
122. Incensed — क्रोधित (extremely angry)
123. Indecisive — अनिर्णायक (unable to make decisions)
124. Indignant — आक्रोशित (angered by unfairness)
125. Inferior — निम्न (of lower quality)
126. Inflamed — सूजन (swollen or irritated)
127. Infuriated — क्रोधित (extremely angry)
128. Injured — घायल (wounded)
129. Inquisitive — जिज्ञासु (curious)
130. Insensitive — असंवेदनशील (lacking compassion)
131. Inspired — प्रेरित (motivated or stimulated)
132. Insulting — अपमानजनक (offensive or disrespectful)
133. Intent — इरादा (having a purpose)
134. Interested — रुचि रखने वाला (showing curiosity)
135. Intrigued — आकर्षित (captivated by interest)
136. Irritated — चिड़चिड़ा (annoyed)
137. Joyous — प्रसन्न (full of joy)
138. Jubilant — हर्षित (overjoyed)
139. Keen — उत्सुक (eager or enthusiastic)
140. Kind — दयालु (friendly and generous)

250 Adjectives to Describe Feelings

141. Liberated — मुक्त (freed from restrictions)
142. Lifeless — निर्जीव (without life)
143. Lonely — अकेला (feeling isolated)
144. Lost — खोया हुआ (without direction)
145. Lousy — घटिया (of very poor quality)
146. Loved — प्रिय (cherished)
147. Loving — प्रेमपूर्ण (showing love)
148. Lucky — भाग्यशाली (fortunate)
149. Menaced — खतरे में (threatened)
150. Merry — खुश (cheerful and lively)
151. Miserable — दीन (extremely unhappy)
152. Misgiving — आशंका (a feeling of doubt)
153. Mournful — शोकपूर्ण (expressing sorrow)
154. Nervous — घबराया हुआ (anxious)
155. Neutral — तटस्थ (impartial)
156. Nonchalant — बेरुख (casually indifferent)
157. Nosy — नाकचूस (excessively curious)
158. Offended — अपमानित (feeling insulted)
159. Offensive — अपमानजनक (causing displeasure)
160. Optimistic — आशावादी (hopeful)
161. Overjoyed — अत्यंत प्रसन्न (extremely happy)
162. Pained — पीड़ित (feeling hurt)
163. Panic — घबराहट (sudden overwhelming fear)
164. Paralyzed — स्तब्ध (unable to move)
165. Passionate — जोशीला (intensely emotional)
166. Pathetic — दयनीय (evoking pity)
167. Peaceful — शांत (calm and quiet)
168. Perplexed — भ्रमित (confused)
169. Pessimistic — निराशावादी (expecting the worst)
170. Playful — चंचल (fun-loving)
171. Pleased — खुश (satisfied)
172. Powerless — निर्बल (without strength)
173. Preoccupied — व्यस्त (deeply absorbed)
174. Provocative — उत्तेजक (intending to provoke)
175. Provoked — उत्तेजित (stirred to anger)
176. Quaking — कांपता हुआ (trembling with fear)
177. Quiet — शांत (making little noise)
178. Reassured — आश्वस्त (made to feel safe)
179. Rebellious — विद्रोही (resisting authority)
180. Receptive — ग्रहणशील (open to new ideas)
181. Re-enforced — सुदृढ़ (made stronger)
182. Rejected — अस्वीकृत (not accepted)
183. Relaxed — आरामदायक (calm and at ease)
184. Reliable — विश्वसनीय (dependable)
185. Repugnant — घिनौना (extremely distasteful)
186. Resentful — कड़वी (feeling bitterness)
187. Reserved — संयमी (quiet and restrained)
188. Restless — बेचैन (unable to relax)
189. Satisfied — संतुष्ट (content with what one has)
190. Scared — डरा हुआ (feeling fear)
191. Secure — सुरक्षित (safe and protected)
192. Sensitive — संवेदनशील (easily affected)
193. Serene — शांत (calm and peaceful)
194. Shaky — कंपकपी (trembling or unstable)
195. Shy — संकोची (timid or bashful)
196. Skeptical — संशयवादी (suspicious)
197. Snoopy — जासूसी करने वाला (intrusively curious)
198. Sore — पीड़ादायक (causing pain)
199. Sorrowful — दुखद (full of sadness)
200. Spirited — उत्साही (lively and energetic)
201. Stupefied — चकित (astonished)
202. Sulky — खिन्न (morose or gloomy)
203. Sunny — उज्ज्वल (bright and cheerful)
204. Sure — निश्चित (confident or certain)
205. Surprised — हैरान (taken aback)
206. Suspicious — संदिग्ध (distrustful)
207. Sympathetic — सहानुभूतिपूर्ण (showing understanding)
208. Sympathy — सहानुभूति (compassion)
209. Tearful — आंसुओं से भरा (full of tears)
210. Tenacious — दृढ़ (persistent)

250 Adjectives to Describe Feelings

211. Tender — मुलायम (gentle)
212. Tense — तनावपूर्ण (feeling stressed)
213. Terrible — भयानक (extremely bad)
214. Terrified — भयभीत (extremely scared)
215. Thankful — आभारी (grateful)
216. Threatened — धमकी दी हुई (feeling endangered)
217. Thrilled — रोमांचित (very excited)
218. Timid — संकोची (shy or easily frightened)
219. Tormented — पीड़ित (suffering intensely)
220. Tortured — यातनाग्रस्त (subjected to severe pain)
221. Touched — स्पर्शित (emotionally moved)
222. Tragic — दुखद (very sad)
223. Unbelieving — अविश्वासी (refusing to believe)
224. Uncertain — अनिश्चित (not sure)
225. Understanding — समझदार (sympathetic)
226. Uneasy — बेचैन (restless or anxious)
227. Unhappy — दुखी (not happy)
228. Unique — अद्वितीय (one of a kind)
229. Unpleasant — असुखद (not enjoyable)
230. Unsure — अनिश्चित (lacking confidence)
231. Upset — परेशान (disturbed or troubled)
232. Useless — बेकार (not effective)
233. Victimized — पीड़ित (treated unfairly)
234. Vulnerable — संकटग्रस्त (easily hurt)
235. Warm — स्नेहपूर्ण (friendly and kind)
236. Wary — सावधान (cautious)
237. Weary — थका हुआ (very tired)
238. Woeful — विषादपूर्ण (full of sorrow)
239. Wonderful — शानदार (extremely good)
240. Worried — चिंतित (anxious or troubled)
241. Wronged — अन्याय किया हुआ (treated unfairly)

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