20 Words Describing A Person or Personality

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20 Words Describing A Person or Personality

20 Words Describing A Person or Personality – In this short blog post, I am sharing 20 Words Describing a Person or Personality in English with Hindi Meaning.

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Words Describing A Person or Personality

1. Vivacious – full of energy and enthusiasm. (जीवंत / उत्साही)
2. Jaunty – having a lively, cheerful, and confident manner. (मस्तमौला / चिर-उत्साही)
3. Diligent – showing careful and persistent effort in work. (परिश्रमी / मेहनती)
4. Dedicated – devoted to a task or purpose. (समर्पित / प्रतिबद्ध)
5. Stunning – extremely attractive or impressive. (शानदार / बेहद आकर्षक)
6. Dapper – neat and stylish in appearance, typically of a man. (सजीला / स्मार्ट)
7. Bony – very thin, with prominent bones. (हड्डियों वाला / पतला-दुबला)
8. Robust – strong and healthy. (मजबूत / तगड़ा)
9. Well-dressed – wearing fashionable or elegant clothes. (सलीके से तैयार / अच्छे कपड़े पहने हुए)
10. Striking – attracting attention because of being unusual or extraordinary. (चौंकाने वाला / बहुत प्रभावशाली)

Spoken English Vocabulary

11. Suave – charming, confident, and elegant, typically of a man. (मोहक / शिष्ट)
12. Fashionable – dressing or behaving according to the latest trends. (फैशनेबल / आधुनिक)
13. Timid – showing a lack of courage or confidence. (डरपोक / संकोची)
14. Confident – having faith in oneself; self-assured. (आत्मविश्वासी)
15. Generous – showing kindness or willingness to give more than expected. (उदार / दयालु)
16. Charming – pleasant and attractive. (मनोहर / आकर्षक)
17. Reserved – slow to reveal emotions or opinions. (संकोची / संयमी)
18. Optimistic – hopeful and confident about the future. (आशावादी)
19. Pessimistic – tending to see the worst aspect of things. (निराशावादी)
20. Imaginative – having or showing creativity. (कल्पनाशील / रचनात्मक)

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