150 Useful English Idioms with Hindi
150 Useful English Idioms with Hindi — Language comes alive with idioms—they add colour, humour, and depth to everyday conversation. In this blog post, we present a carefully curated list of 150 popular idioms, complete with their Hindi translations and brief explanations in English. Whether you’re a language learner or simply a lover of expressions, this guide is designed to help you better understand and use these charming phrases in your daily life.
Spoken English Vocabulary with Hindi
1. A matter of life and death – जीवन और मृत्यु का मामला [Extremely serious or critical]
2. Appear out of nowhere – बिना बताए अचानक प्रकट होना [To show up unexpectedly]
3. Apple-pie order – पूरी तरह व्यवस्थित [Extremely neat and organized]
4. As good as – लगभग वैसा ही [Nearly equal or comparable]
5. As good as one’s word – अपने शब्द जितना भरोसेमंद [Completely trustworthy]
6. At a glance – एक नजर में [With a quick look]
7. At any cost – हर कीमत पर [No matter what happens]
8. At any moment – किसी भी पल [Very soon; at any time]
9. At any rate/cost – किसी भी हालत में [Regardless of the circumstances]
10. At first sight – पहली नजर में [Immediately upon seeing]
11. At least – कम से कम [Not less than a minimum]
12. At the eleventh hour – अंतिम क्षण में [At the very last moment]
13. Be at a crossroads – निर्णायक मोड़ पर होना [Facing an important decision]
14. Be at the bottom of – असल कारण होना [To be the underlying cause]
15. Be poles apart – पूरी तरह अलग होना [Completely different]
16. Be the talk of the town – शहर की चर्चा बन जाना [Widely talked about]
17. Become history – इतिहास बन जाना [To become a thing of the past]
18. Behind bars – जेल में होना [In prison]
19. Bit by bit – थोड़ा-थोड़ा करके [Gradually; in small increments]
20. Blow one’s own trumpet – अपनी प्रशंसा करना [To boast about oneself]
21. Break into laughter – अचानक हंस पड़ना [To start laughing suddenly]
22. Break into tears – अचानक रो पड़ना [To start crying suddenly]
23. Break the bank – बैंक तोड़ देना [To spend all of one’s money]
24. Bring to light – उजागर करना [To reveal or expose]
25. Burn bridges – रिश्ते तोड़ देना [To destroy relationships irreparably]
150 Useful English Idioms with Hindi
26. Burn the midnight oil – रात भर मेहनत करना [To work late into the night]
27. By and large – कुल मिलाकर [Generally; overall]
28. By courtesy of – कृपा से [As a favor or courtesy]
29. By fair means or foul – हर तरह से [By any method, right or wrong]
30. By hook or by crook – किसी भी तरह से [By any means necessary]
31. By way of – के तौर पर [As a method or means]
32. Cast a spell on – जादू सा करना [To enchant or fascinate]
33. Cast light on – रौशनी डालना [To clarify or explain]
34. Castles in the air – असंभव योजनाएँ [Unrealistic or fanciful plans]
35. Catch sight of – नजर पड़ जाना [To notice briefly]
36. Child’s play – बच्चों का खेल [Something very easy to do]
37. Come into effect/force – लागू होना [To become operative or valid]
38. Come to an end – समाप्त हो जाना [To finish or conclude]
39. Come to light – सामने आ जाना [To become known]
40. Come to terms with – समझौता कर लेना [To accept or reconcile with]
41. Crocodile tears – मगरमच्छ के आँसू [Insincere or fake displays of emotion]
42. Cry one’s heart out – दिल खोलकर रोना [To cry intensely]
43. Cry over spilt milk – बीती बात पर अफसोस करना [To lament something that cannot be changed]
44. Cut to the chase – मुद्दे पर आना [To get to the point]
45. Fall on one’s face – बड़े पैमाने पर असफल होना [To fail miserably]
46. Feast one’s eyes on – आँखों का आनंद लेना [To admire something with pleasure]
47. Feather in one’s cap – गौरव का कारण [An achievement to be proud of]
48. For God’s sake – भगवान के वास्ते [Used as an exclamation or plea]
49. For good – सदा के लिए [Permanently; forever]
50. For the sake of – के हित में [For the benefit or purpose of]
150 Useful English Idioms with Hindi
51. For the time being – फिलहाल [For now; temporarily]
52. From far and wide – हर तरफ से [From everywhere]
53. From head to toe – सिर से पैर तक [Completely; entirely]
54. Get off to a flying start – जबरदस्त शुरुआत करना [To begin very successfully]
55. Get out of sight – नजर से ओझल हो जाना [To disappear from view]
56. Get to the bottom of – जड़ तक पहुँच जाना [To investigate thoroughly]
57. Hail the rising sun – उगते सूरज का स्वागत करना [To welcome a new beginning]
58. Hang in the balance – अनिश्चित स्थिति में होना [To be undecided or uncertain]
59. Have a word with – थोड़ी बात करना [To speak briefly with someone]
60. Have fun – मज़े करना [To enjoy oneself]
61. Have one foot in the grave – मौत के कगार पर होना [To be very near death or extremely old]
62. Have the upper hand – नियंत्रण में होना [To be in a position of advantage]
63. Heave a sigh of relief – राहत की सांस लेना [To feel relieved]
64. Hit the sack – बिस्तर पर जाना [To go to bed]
65. In a fix – मुसीबत में होना [To be in trouble]
66. In a matter of seconds – कुछ ही सेकंड में [Very quickly]
67. In a nutshell – संक्षेप में [Briefly; in summary]
68. In any case – वैसे भी [Regardless; anyway]
69. In due course – समय रहते [At the proper time]
70. In favour of – के पक्ष में [Supporting or for]
71. In leaps and bounds – तेजी से [Very rapidly]
72. In less than no time – चुटकियों में [Extremely quickly]
73. In lieu of – के बदले में [Instead of]
74. In memory of – स्मरण में [As a tribute or remembrance]
75. In no way – बिल्कुल नहीं [Not at all]
150 Useful English Idioms with Hindi
76. In opposition to – के खिलाफ [Against]
77. In the course of – के दौरान [During a period of time]
78. In the first place – सबसे पहले [Initially; primarily]
79. In the heat of the moment – आवेग में [In a moment of strong emotion]
80. In the interest of – हित में [For the benefit of]
81. In the limelight – चर्चा में होना [Being the center of attention]
82. Keep an eye on – नजर रखना [To watch or monitor]
83. Keep one’s eyes open – सतर्क रहना [To stay alert]
84. Keep pace with – साथ चलते रहना [To keep up with]
85. Keep up one’s spirits – मनोबल बनाए रखना [To remain cheerful]
86. Kith and kin – रिश्तेदार और परिचित [Relatives and acquaintances]
87. Last resort – अंतिम विकल्प [The final option]
88. Lay down one’s life – अपने प्राणों की आहुति देना [To sacrifice one’s life]
89. Learn the hard way – कठिन अनुभव से सीखना [To learn through difficult experience]
90. Leave in the lurch – अचानक छोड़ देना [To abandon someone unexpectedly]
91. Leave no stone unturned – कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ना [To try every possible means]
92. Let sleeping dogs lie – सोए हुए कुत्तों को मत जगाओ [Avoid interfering in a situation]
93. Lion’s share – सबसे बड़ा हिस्सा [The largest part]
94. Live hand to mouth – मुश्किल से जीना [To live without extra resources]
95. Lose one’s heart to – दिल हार जाना [To fall deeply in love]
96. Lose one’s life – जान गंवाना [To die]
97. Lose sight of – ध्यान से हट जाना [To fail to notice]
98. Make headway – प्रगति करना [To make progress]
99. Make history – इतिहास रच देना [To achieve something memorable]
100. Make the best of – मौकों का फायदा उठाना [To utilize available resources well]
150 Useful English Idioms with Hindi
101. Make the most of – अधिकतम लाभ उठाना [To maximize benefits]
102. Make up one’s mind – फैसला कर लेना [To decide]
103. Meet halfway – समझौता कर लेना [To compromise]
104. Of course – जरूर/बेशक [Certainly]
105. On account of – की वजह से [Because of]
106. On the contrary – इसके विपरीत [In contrast]
107. On the whole – कुल मिलाकर [Generally speaking]
108. On this side of the grave – जब तक जीवित हैं [While still alive]
109. Once in a blue moon – कभी-कभार [Very rarely]
110. One way or another – किसी न किसी तरह [By any means possible]
111. Part and parcel of – अभिन्न हिस्सा [An essential part]
112. Pick a person’s pocket – जेब काट लेना [To steal from someone]
113. Piece of cake – बहुत आसान [Very easy to do]
114. Play with fire – आग से खेलना [To take dangerous risks]
115. Poke one’s nose into – दखलअंदाज़ होना [To interfere in someone’s affairs]
116. Pour oil in the fire – आग में तेल डालना [To worsen an already bad situation]
117. Raise the roof – धूम मचाना [To celebrate exuberantly]
118. Round the clock – दिन-रात [Continuously; all the time]
119. Safe and sound – सुरक्षित और स्वस्थ [Without harm]
120. Set up house – घर बसाना [To establish a home]
121. Settle a score – बैलेंस बराबर करना / निपटा लेना [To get even or resolve a dispute]
122. Smell a rat – शक होना [To suspect something is wrong]
123. Speak highly of – प्रशंसा करना [To express admiration]
124. Speak ill of – बुराई करना [To criticize or malign]
125. Steal a march on – पहले से बढ़ जाना [To gain an unexpected advantage]
150 Useful English Idioms with Hindi
126. Step by step – एक-एक कदम [Gradually; in stages]
127. Strike while the iron is hot – अवसर का लाभ उठाना [To act at the right moment]
128. Take effect – प्रभावी होना [To become operative]
129. Take for a ride – धोखा देना [To cheat or deceive]
130. Take for granted – हल्के में लेना [To underestimate or not appreciate]
131. Take up arms – हथियार उठाना [To begin fighting]
132. The ball is in your court – अब आपकी बारी है [It is up to you to decide]
133. Throw cold water on – हतोत्साहित करना [To discourage or dampen enthusiasm]
134. Throw dust in one’s eyes – भ्रम में डालना [To deceive or mislead]
135. To begin with – सबसे पहले [Initially]
136. To break the ice – बातचीत की शुरुआत करना [To initiate social interaction]
137. To nip in the bud – शुरू होते ही रोक देना [To stop something at an early stage]
138. To one’s heart’s content – मन भर के [As much as one desires]
139. To take to one’s heels – तेजी से भाग जाना [To run away quickly]
140. To the best of one’s ability – अपनी पूरी क्षमता से [As well as one can]
141. Tom, Dick and Harry – आम लोग [Ordinary, unremarkable people]
142. Trump card – निर्णायक हथियार [A decisive advantage]
143. Turn a deaf ear to – अनसुना कर देना [To ignore deliberately]
144. Turn over a new leaf – नई शुरुआत करना [To start afresh]
145. Turn the other cheek – बदला न लेना [To refrain from retaliation]
146. Turn turtle – उलट जाना [To capsize or overturn]
147. Under one’s thumb – पूरी तरह नियंत्रण में [To be completely controlled]
148. Under the weather – अस्वस्थ महसूस करना [Feeling ill]
149. Win hands down – आसानी से जीत जाना [To win very easily]
150. With bad grace – अनिच्छा से [Reluctantly]
151. With good grace – खुशी-खुशी [Willingly; cheerfully]
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