Famous Poets of English Language

Percy Bysshe Shelley Poem - Ozymandias

William Shakespeare Poems - Winter, – Bridal Song

Maya Angelou Poems - Caged Bird, Still I Rise

Robert Frost Poems - The Road Not Taken, Fire & Ice

Emily Dickinson Poems - I taste a liquor never brewed

William Butler Yeats Poems - – The Second Coming, Sailing to Byzantium

John Keats Poems - Ode on a Grecian Urn, To Autumn

Sylvia Plath Poems - Daddy, Dig It Up Again

William Wordsworth Poems - I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, The World Is Too Much with Us

Walt Whitman Poems - Song of Myself, When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed

Edgar Allan Poe Poems - The Raven, Annabel Lee

Langston Hughes Poems - – Dreams, The Negro Speaks of Rivers

Oscar Wilde Poems - The Ballad of Reading Gaol

Dante Alighieri Poems - The Divine Comedy

Pablo Neruda Poems - If You Forget Me, Don'T Go Far Off, A Dog Has Died

William Blake Poems - Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience, Jerusalem

John Milton Poems -Paradise Lost, L'Allegro, Upon the Circumcision