V1 - Bear V2 - Bore V3 - Born पैदा करना I was born in Bihar

V1 - Bear V2 - Bore V3 - Borne बर्दाश्त करना I can't bear it.

V1 - Fall V2 - Fell V3 - Fallen गिरना Five inches of snow fell through the night.

V1 - Fell V2 - Felled V3 - Felled गिराना 33 million trees are felled each day

V1 - Find V2 - Found V3 - Found पाना I have found nothing yet.

V1 - Found V2 - Founded V3 - Founded स्थापना करना My grandfather has founded this school.

V1 - See V2 - Saw V3 - Seen देखना I have not seen her today.

V1 - Saw V2 - Sawed V3 - Sawed आरी से काटना He was sawing away energetically at the loaf/