How to Talk About Hobbies in English

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How to Talk About Hobbies in English

How to Talk About Hobbies in English – What do you like to do for fun? What do you do on the weekends? What do you do in your free time? Talking about your hobbies can be a great way to build your confidence when practising English. When we talk about things we are interested in, we are more likely to try harder to speak English fluently.

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Today, I am going to share some common hobbies and how to talk about them to improve your English conversation skills. Before you continue, start thinking about the hobbies you enjoy. Use these tips when you talk about your hobbies in English.

How to Talk About Hobbies in English

Some common hobbies 

1. Blogging
2. Chilling with friends
3. Cooking
4. Drawing
5. Eating out
6. Gardening
7. Painting
8. Phishing
9. Photography
10. Playing an instrument
11. Sewing
12. Traveling
13. Working out
14. Writing

Let’s start with simple sentences

  • I like to watch 
  • I love to go hiking 
  • I like to relax at home 
  • When I have free time, I love to travel 
  • In my free time, I like to study English 
  • I like to paint when I have time 

For Beginners

Describing Your Hobbies

– Use simple sentences.
– Focus on the present tense.
– Use basic vocabulary.

1. Reading:
– “I like reading books.”
– “My favourite books are mystery and adventure.”
2. Playing Sports:
– “I play soccer with my friends.”
– “We play every weekend.”
3. Cooking:
– “I enjoy cooking.”
– “I make pasta and pizza.”

For Intermediate Level

Describing Your Hobbies

– Use a mix of simple and compound sentences.
– Include reasons and details.
– Use various tenses.

1. Reading:
– “I enjoy reading a variety of books, especially mystery novels because they are exciting and keep me guessing.”
– “I usually read in the evenings after work.”
2. Playing Sports:
– “I play soccer with my friends every weekend. It’s a great way to stay fit and socialize.”
– “Last month, we participated in a local tournament and won second place.”
3. Cooking:
– “Cooking is one of my favourite hobbies. I love experimenting with new recipes and ingredients.”
– “Recently, I tried making sushi, and it was a fun and delicious experience.”

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How to Talk About Hobbies in English

Advanced Level

Describing Your Hobbies

– Use complex sentences and advanced vocabulary.
– Discuss the deeper significance and impact of the hobby.
– Integrate personal anecdotes and reflections.

1. Reading:
– “Reading has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. Delving into a good book allows me to escape reality and immerse myself in different worlds and perspectives. Recently, I’ve been particularly fascinated by historical fiction, which provides both an engaging story and a deeper understanding of past events.”
– “One of the most memorable books I’ve read is ‘The Book Thief’ by Markus Zusak. Its narrative style and poignant themes left a lasting impression on me.”
2. Playing Sports:
– “Engaging in soccer has been a significant part of my life. Not only does it help me maintain my physical health, but it also fosters teamwork and strategic thinking. Playing regularly with my team has taught me the importance of communication and resilience.”
– “A memorable moment in my soccer journey was when our team clinched the championship in a closely contested match. The experience taught me valuable lessons about perseverance and the joy of collective achievement.”
3. Cooking:
– “Cooking is an art form that I deeply cherish. It allows me to express creativity and bring joy to others through delicious meals. I particularly enjoy exploring cuisines from different cultures, which broadens my culinary horizons and appreciation for global flavors.”
– “One of my proudest culinary achievements was mastering the complex process of making traditional French macarons. Despite the initial challenges, the satisfaction of achieving the perfect texture and taste was immensely rewarding.”

How to Talk About Hobbies in English

Example Describing My Hobbies

Hello everyone,

My name is Radha, and today I’d like to share some of my hobbies. These activities bring joy and fulfilment to my life, and I’m excited to tell you about them.

Firstly, one of my favourite hobbies is stitching. I have been stitching for many years, and it has become a significant part of my life. Stitching allows me to express my creativity and gives me a sense of calm and relaxation. I enjoy making clothes and home decorations. Recently, I stitched a beautiful dress for my niece. The intricate patterns and delicate fabric were challenging, but the result was incredibly rewarding. Each project I undertake helps me improve my skills and brings a unique sense of accomplishment.

Another hobby I am passionate about is listening to songs. Music has always been a source of joy and inspiration for me. I have a diverse taste in music, enjoying everything from upbeat pop tracks to soothing classical compositions. Music accompanies me throughout my day, whether I’m working, exercising, or simply unwinding. It has a remarkable ability to elevate my mood and provide comfort during difficult times. One of my favourite experiences was attending a live classical concert, which deepened my appreciation for the complexity and beauty of orchestral music.

Lastly, I absolutely love reading books. Reading is not just a hobby for me; it’s a way to explore different worlds, ideas, and cultures. I am particularly drawn to mystery and adventure novels. These genres captivate my imagination and keep me on the edge of my seat. I make it a point to read regularly, aiming to finish at least one book per week. Immersing myself in a well-written novel is both entertaining and enlightening. A memorable read for me was a gripping mystery novel that intertwined historical events with a thrilling plot, making it impossible to put down.

In conclusion, stitching, listening to songs, and reading books are hobbies that enrich my life in various ways. They allow me to be creative, find joy, and continuously learn and grow. I hope you enjoyed hearing about them as much as I enjoy engaging in these activities.

Thank you for listening.

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