Pronouns and Their Kinds in English Grammar

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Pronouns and Their Kinds in English Grammar

Pronouns and Their Kinds in English Grammar – Hello friends, in today’s article, we will explore in Hindi what pronouns are, their definition, and the various types of pronouns. Pronouns play a crucial role in grammar as a significant part of speech. Understanding pronouns not only improves our sentence structure but also enhances communication. So, let’s dive into this article and understand pronouns in Hindi step by step.

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Pronoun definition in Hindi

Definition of Pronoun: Words that are used in place of a noun to stop its repetition are called pronouns.

By using pronouns, we can make any sentence much easier to read and understand.

For example, if we do not use pronouns, sentences would look something like this:

  • Rohan is a smart boy. (रोहन एक चालाक लड़का है।)
  • Rohan lives in Delhi. (रोहन दिल्ली में रहता है।)
  • Rohan has a car. (रोहन के पास कार है।)

Using the same Pronoun the sentences would look something like this:

  • Rohan is a clever boy. (महेश एक चालाक लड़का है।)
  • He lives in Patna. (वह पटना में रहता है।)
  • He has a bike. (उसके पास बाइक है।)

As you saw in the above sentences, instead of Rohan, we used He. Due to which the sentence seems easy to read and listen.

Similarly, we can make the sentences short and easy by using pronouns.

Types/Kinds of Pronoun

सर्वनाम (Pronoun) मुख्यतः 10 प्रकार के होते है:

  • Personal Pronoun (पुरुषवाचक सर्वनाम)
  • Reflexive Pronoun (निजवाचक सर्वनाम)
  • Emphatic / Intensive pronoun (बलात्मक सर्वनाम)
  • Demonstrative Pronoun (संकेतवाचक सर्वनाम)
  • Indefinite Pronoun (अनिश्चितवाचक सर्वनाम)
  • Distributive Pronoun (विभागवाचक सर्वनाम)
  • Relative Pronoun (संबंधवाचक सर्वनाम)
  • Interrogative Pronoun (प्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम)
  • Reciprocal Pronoun (पारस्परिक सर्वनाम)
  • Possessive Pronoun (अधिकारवाचक सर्वनाम)

Kinds of Pronouns in English Grammar

Personal Pronoun: Definition and Examples

A personal pronoun is a pronoun used to refer to a specific person or thing. Personal pronouns change based on number (singular or plural), person (first, second, or third), gender (male, female, or neutral), and case (subject, object, or possessive).

Personal pronouns are divided into three categories based on person:

1. First Person: Refers to the person speaking (I, we, me, us).
(पहला व्यक्ति: बोलने वाले व्यक्ति के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है।)

2. Second Person: Refers to the person being spoken to (you).
(दूसरा व्यक्ति: जिस व्यक्ति से बात की जा रही है उसके लिए उपयोग किया जाता है।)

3. Third Person: Refers to the person or thing being spoken about (he, she, it, they, him, her, them).
(तीसरा व्यक्ति: जिस व्यक्ति या वस्तु के बारे में बात की जा रही है उसके लिए उपयोग किया जाता है।)

Examples with Hindi Translations

1. First Person Pronouns:
I: I am going to the market.
(मैं बाजार जा रहा हूँ।)
We: We are friends.
(हम दोस्त हैं।)
Me: He gave me a book.
(उसने मुझे एक किताब दी।)
Us: They invited us to the party.
(उन्होंने हमें पार्टी में आमंत्रित किया।)

2. Second Person Pronouns:
You: You are a good singer.
(तुम एक अच्छे गायक हो।)
You (Plural): You all need to be quiet.
(आप सभी को चुप रहना चाहिए।)

3. Third Person Pronouns:
He: He is my brother.
(वह मेरा भाई है।)
She: She is a doctor.
(वह एक डॉक्टर है।)
It: It is raining outside.
(बाहर बारिश हो रही है।)
They: They are playing football.
(वे फुटबॉल खेल रहे हैं।)
Him: I gave him the keys.
(मैंने उसे चाबी दी।)
Her: He called her yesterday.
(उसने उसे कल बुलाया था।)
Them: We saw them at the mall.
(हमने उन्हें मॉल में देखा।)

Cases of Personal Pronouns

1. Subjective Case (When the pronoun acts as the subject):
– I, we, you, he, she, it, they
– Example: She is reading a book.
(वह एक किताब पढ़ रही है।)

2. Objective Case (When the pronoun acts as the object):
– me, us, you, him, her, it, them
– Example: They gave us a gift.
(उन्होंने हमें एक तोहफा दिया।)

3. Possessive Case (Shows ownership or possession):
– my/mine, our/ours, your/yours, his, her/hers, its, their/theirs
– Example: This is my book.
(यह मेरी किताब है।)
– Example: The house is theirs.
(यह घर उनका है।)

Detailed Notes with Hindi Translation

Personal pronouns help make sentences clearer and avoid the repetition of nouns. For example, without personal pronouns, we would have to repeat nouns constantly, making sentences sound awkward and confusing.

Example without personal pronouns:
Ravi went to Ravi’s school because Ravi forgot Ravi’s bag.
(रवि रवि के स्कूल गया क्योंकि रवि अपना बैग भूल गया था।)

Example with personal pronouns:
He went to his school because he forgot his bag.
(वह अपने स्कूल गया क्योंकि वह अपना बैग भूल गया था।)

By using personal pronouns, we make communication smoother and more natural. Personal pronouns are essential to simplify sentences and make communication clearer.

Pronouns and Their Kinds in English Grammar

Reflexive Pronouns: Definition and Examples

A reflexive pronoun is a pronoun that refers back to the subject of the sentence. It is used when the subject and the object of the verb are the same person or thing.

वह सर्वनाम जिसमें कर्ता (subject) द्वारा किया गया कार्य किसी दूसरे पर न पढ़कर खुद पर पढ़ता है। उसे निजवाचक सर्वनाम (reflexive pronoun) कहते है।

Reflexive pronouns end in “-self” for singular (e.g., myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself) and “-selves” for plural (e.g., ourselves, yourselves, themselves).

Reflexive pronoun meaning in Hindi

Reflexive pronoun का हिंदी अर्थ होता है- “निजवाचक सर्वनाम“।

Reflexive Pronouns in English:

  • Singular: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself
  • Plural: ourselves, yourselves, themselves

In Hindi, reflexive pronouns are typically translated as forms of “स्वयं” or “खुद.”

Examples with Hindi Translations

1. Myself

I hurt myself while cooking.
(मैंने खाना बनाते समय खुद को चोट पहुंचाई।)

I introduced myself to the new neighbors.
(मैंने अपने नए पड़ोसियों से खुद का परिचय कराया।)

2. Yourself

You should take care of yourself.
(तुम्हें अपना ध्यान रखना चाहिए।)

Did you finish the project yourself?
(क्या आपने खुद प्रोजेक्ट पूरा किया?)

3. Himself

He blamed himself for the mistake.
(उसने गलती के लिए खुद को दोषी ठहराया।)

He prepared the meal by himself.
(उसने खुद से खाना बनाया।)

4. Herself

She taught herself to play the guitar.
(उसने खुद गिटार बजाना सीखा।)

She looked at herself in the mirror.
(वह आईने में खुद को देख रही थी।)

5. Itself

The cat groomed itself.
(बिल्ली ने खुद को साफ किया।)

The company prides itself on quality.
(कंपनी खुद को गुणवत्ता पर गर्व करती है।)

6. Ourselves

We enjoyed ourselves at the party.
(हमने पार्टी में खुद का खूब आनंद लिया।)

We should challenge ourselves to do better.
(हमें खुद को बेहतर करने के लिए चुनौती देनी चाहिए।)

7. Yourselves (plural)

You all should help yourselves to some food.
(आप सभी को खुद से कुछ खाना लेना चाहिए।)

Did you do the work yourselves?
(क्या आपने खुद काम किया?)

8. Themselves

They blamed themselves for the loss.
(उन्होंने नुकसान के लिए खुद को दोषी ठहराया।)

The kids enjoyed themselves at the park.
(बच्चों ने पार्क में खूब मज़े किए।)

When to Use Reflexive Pronouns

1. When the subject and the object are the same:

Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject of the sentence does something to themselves.

He cut himself while shaving.
(उसने शेव करते समय खुद को काट लिया।)

2. For emphasis:

Reflexive pronouns can also be used to emphasize that someone did something without help.

She herself designed the entire project.
(उसने खुद पूरे प्रोजेक्ट को डिजाइन किया।)

We did it ourselves.
(हमने इसे खुद किया।)

Detailed Explanation with Hindi Translation

In reflexive pronouns, the action returns to the subject. For instance, in the sentence “I hurt myself,” the subject “I” and the object “myself” refer to the same person.

Example without reflexive pronouns:
I hurt me.
(मैंने मुझे चोट पहुंचाई।) — Incorrect, because “me” does not reflect back to “I.”

Example with reflexive pronouns:
I hurt myself.
(मैंने खुद को चोट पहुंचाई।) — Correct, because “myself” reflects back to the subject “I.”

Reflexive pronouns are used not just for clarity, but also for emphasizing actions done by oneself. They make sentences more natural and grammatically correct.

Pronouns and Their Kinds in English Grammar

Emphatic Pronouns: Definition and Examples

Definition: An emphatic pronoun is a pronoun that is used to emphasize a noun or another pronoun. It is the same form as a reflexive pronoun (myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves), but its function is different. While reflexive pronouns reflect the action back to the subject, emphatic pronouns add emphasis to the subject performing the action.

Emphatic Pronouns in English:

  • Singular: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself
  • Plural: ourselves, yourselves, themselves

In Hindi, emphatic pronouns are often translated as “स्वयं” or “खुद” to add emphasis.

Examples with Hindi Translations

1. Myself

I myself completed the project.
(मैंने स्वयं यह प्रोजेक्ट पूरा किया।)

I myself will talk to him.
(मैं खुद उससे बात करूंगा।)

2. Yourself

You yourself told me this.
(तुमने खुद मुझे यह बताया था।)

You yourself should go there.
(तुम्हें खुद वहां जाना चाहिए।)

3. Himself

He himself made the decision.
(उसने खुद यह निर्णय लिया।)

The CEO himself welcomed the guests.
(सीईओ ने स्वयं मेहमानों का स्वागत किया।)

4. Herself

She herself solved the problem.
(उसने स्वयं समस्या को हल किया।)

She herself baked the cake.
(उसने खुद केक बनाया।)

5. Itself

The machine itself is very efficient.
(मशीन खुद ही बहुत प्रभावी है।)

The dog itself opened the door.
(कुत्ते ने खुद दरवाजा खोला।)

6. Ourselves

We ourselves need to fix this.
(हमें खुद इसे ठीक करने की आवश्यकता है।)

We ourselves organized the event.
(हमने स्वयं इस कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया।)

7. Yourselves (plural)

You yourselves must take responsibility.
(आपको खुद ही जिम्मेदारी लेनी चाहिए।)

You yourselves need to complete the task.
(आपको स्वयं कार्य पूरा करना चाहिए।)

8. Themselves

They themselves admitted their mistake.
(उन्होंने खुद अपनी गलती मानी।)

The children themselves cleaned the room.
(बच्चों ने खुद कमरे की सफाई की।)

Detailed Explanation with Hindi Translation

Emphatic pronouns are used to highlight or stress the importance of the subject in performing the action. These pronouns do not change the meaning of the sentence but add emphasis to the fact that the subject carried out the action without help or to show the importance of the subject.

Example without emphatic pronoun:
I completed the project.
(मैंने प्रोजेक्ट पूरा किया।)

Example with emphatic pronoun:
I myself completed the project.
(मैंने स्वयं यह प्रोजेक्ट पूरा किया।)

In this example, the addition of “myself” emphasizes that I, and no one else, completed the project.

Difference Between Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns

Although emphatic and reflexive pronouns look the same, their usage differs:

1. Reflexive pronouns reflect the action back to the subject.

Example: He hurt himself.
(उसने खुद को चोट पहुंचाई।)

2. Emphatic pronouns add emphasis to the subject without changing the meaning.

Example: He himself did the work.
(उसने स्वयं काम किया।)

Common Uses of Emphatic Pronouns

1. To emphasize the subject: When the speaker wants to stress that the subject did something by themselves.

She herself designed the house.
(उसने खुद घर डिजाइन किया।)

2. To clarify who performed the action: Emphatic pronouns clarify that a specific person was responsible for the action.

The teacher herself checked the papers.
(शिक्षक ने खुद पेपर्स चेक किए।)

Emphatic pronouns are valuable in conversation and writing to highlight the subject’s importance or to stress that no one else was involved in the action. They add clarity and emphasis to the sentence, making the statement more impactful.

Pronouns and Their Kinds in English Grammar

Demonstrative Pronouns: Definition and Examples

A demonstrative pronoun is used to point to and identify a specific noun or nouns. Demonstrative pronouns refer to something near or far in distance or time. In English, the demonstrative pronouns are this, that, these, and those.

  • This and these refer to things that are near.
  • That and those refer to things that are far.

In Hindi, demonstrative pronouns are often translated as “यह,” “वह,” “ये,” and “वे,” depending on proximity and number.

Demonstrative Pronouns in English

  • Singular: this, that
    • This refers to something close in distance or time.
    • That refers to something far in distance or time.
  • Plural: these, those
    • These refers to things that are close in distance or time.
    • Those refers to things that are far in distance or time.

Examples with Hindi Translations

  1. This (यह)
    • This is my book.
      (यह मेरी किताब है।)
    • This is delicious.
      (यह स्वादिष्ट है।)
  2. That (वह)
    • That is his house.
      (वह उसका घर है।)
    • That was a great movie.
      (वह बहुत अच्छी फिल्म थी।)
  3. These (ये)
    • These are my keys.
      (ये मेरी चाबियां हैं।)
    • These are fresh fruits.
      (ये ताजे फल हैं।)
  4. Those (वे)
    • Those are her shoes.
      (वे उसके जूते हैं।)
    • Those were the good old days.
      (वह अच्छे पुराने दिन थे।)

Detailed Explanation with Hindi Translation

Demonstrative pronouns are used to indicate specific people or things, either near or far from the speaker. The key difference between the pronouns lies in whether the noun being referred to is singular or plural, and whether it is close or far in relation to the speaker.

Use of ‘This’ and ‘These’

1. This (singular) is used to refer to something near to the speaker.

    • This is my phone.
      (यह मेरा फोन है।)

Here, “this” points to a phone that is near the speaker.

2. These (plural) is used to refer to multiple things that are near the speaker.

    • These are my books.
      (ये मेरी किताबें हैं।)

“These” refers to several books close to the speaker.

Use of ‘That’ and ‘Those’

1. That (singular) is used to refer to something far from the speaker.

    • That is the tallest building.
      (वह सबसे ऊंची इमारत है।)

“That” points to a distant building.

2. Those (plural) is used to refer to multiple things that are far from the speaker.

    • Those are my friends.
      (वे मेरे दोस्त हैं।)

“Those” indicates friends who are not near the speaker.

Demonstrative Pronouns in Time Context

Demonstrative pronouns can also refer to time, not just physical distance.

1. This can refer to the present or something current.

    • This is a difficult time.
      (यह कठिन समय है।)

This refers to the present situation.

2. That can refer to something in the past or future.

    • That was a great day.
      (वह बहुत अच्छा दिन था।)

Here, “that” refers to a day in the past.

1. These can refer to recent times or multiple current events.

    • These are hard times.
      (ये कठिन समय हैं।)

“These” points to the current difficult times.

2. Those can refer to events or times in the past or distant future.

    • Those were the days.
      (वह अच्छे दिन थे।)

“Those” refers to past, memorable days.

Difference Between Demonstrative Pronouns and Demonstrative Adjectives

It’s important to note that demonstrative pronouns stand alone, while demonstrative adjectives modify a noun.

  • Demonstrative Pronoun: This is my bag.
    (यह मेरा बैग है।)

“This” stands on its own.

  • Demonstrative Adjective: This bag is mine.
    (यह बैग मेरा है।)

    • “This” describes the noun “bag.”

Key Points to Remember

  • This/These = Things that are near.
  • That/Those = Things that are far.

Demonstrative pronouns can refer to physical distance or time.

Example Summary:

  • This is singular and near.
    (यह पास में है।)
  • That is singular and far.
    (वह दूर है।)
  • These is plural and near.
    (ये पास में हैं।)
  • Those is plural and far.
    (वे दूर हैं।)

These pronouns help identify and specify particular items or times, making communication clearer and more precise.

Pronouns and Their Kinds in English Grammar

Indefinite Pronouns: Definition and Examples

An indefinite pronoun is a pronoun that refers to a non-specific person, place, thing, or quantity. Unlike personal pronouns, which refer to specific individuals, indefinite pronouns are used when we don’t know exactly who or what we’re referring to. Common indefinite pronouns include someone, something, anyone, anything, everyone, everything, nobody, none, few, many, several, all, and some.

In Hindi, indefinite pronouns are translated depending on the context, such as “कोई,” “कुछ,” “सब,” “किसी,” “कुछ लोग,” etc.

Types of Indefinite Pronouns

  1. Singular Indefinite Pronouns: Refer to one person or thing (e.g., someone, something, anyone, anything, nobody, each).
  2. Plural Indefinite Pronouns: Refer to more than one person or thing (e.g., many, few, several).
  3. Pronouns that can be Singular or Plural: Depending on the context (e.g., all, none, some).

Examples with Hindi Translations

  1. Someone (कोई व्यक्ति)
    • Someone is at the door.
      (कोई दरवाजे पर है।)
    • Someone left their bag here.
      (किसी ने अपना बैग यहां छोड़ा है।)
  2. Something (कुछ)
    • Something is missing from the shelf.
      (शेल्फ से कुछ गायब है।)
    • I need something to eat.
      (मुझे कुछ खाने के लिए चाहिए।)
  3. Anyone (कोई भी)
    • Is anyone home?
      (क्या घर में कोई है?)
    • Anyone can do this job.
      (यह काम कोई भी कर सकता है।)
  4. Anything (कुछ भी)
    • I don’t want anything.
      (मुझे कुछ भी नहीं चाहिए।)
    • Do you need anything?
      (क्या तुम्हें कुछ चाहिए?)
  5. Everyone (हर कोई)
    • Everyone is invited to the party.
      (हर किसी को पार्टी में बुलाया गया है।)
    • Everyone has their own opinion.
      (हर किसी की अपनी राय होती है।)
  6. Nobody (कोई नहीं)
    • Nobody knows the answer.
      (कोई जवाब नहीं जानता।)
    • Nobody was there at the time.
      (उस समय वहां कोई नहीं था।)
  7. None (कोई नहीं)
    • None of the students passed the test.
      (छात्रों में से कोई भी परीक्षा में पास नहीं हुआ।)
    • None of this makes sense.
      (इसमें से कुछ भी समझ में नहीं आता है।)
  8. Few (कुछ लोग)
    • Few understand the importance of this.
      (कुछ लोग इसके महत्व को समझते हैं।)
    • Few were chosen for the competition.
      (कुछ को प्रतियोगिता के लिए चुना गया था।)
  9. Many (बहुत से)
    • Many people attended the event.
      (बहुत से लोग इस कार्यक्रम में आए थे।)
    • Many of them are my friends.
      (उनमें से कई मेरे दोस्त हैं।)
  10. All (सब)
    • All are welcome to join the meeting.
      (सभी का बैठक में स्वागत है।)
    • All of the cookies are gone.
      (सारे बिस्किट खत्म हो गए हैं।)
  11. Some (कुछ)
    • Some of the students were late.
      (कुछ छात्र देर से आए थे।)
    • Would you like some tea?
      (क्या आप कुछ चाय लेंगे?)
  12. Several (कई)
    • Several people came to help.
      (कई लोग मदद के लिए आए थे।)
    • Several students failed the exam.
      (कई छात्र परीक्षा में फेल हो गए।)

Detailed Explanation with Hindi Translation

Singular Indefinite Pronouns

Indefinite pronouns like someone, something, anyone, anything, nobody, and each refer to singular entities, even though the specific identity is unknown.

  • Someone refers to an unknown person.
    Example: Someone has stolen my pen.
    (किसी ने मेरा पेन चुरा लिया है।)
  • Something refers to an unknown object.
    Example: Something smells good in the kitchen.
    (रसोई में कुछ अच्छा महक रहा है।)
  • Anyone refers to any person, without specifying who.
    Example: Can anyone help me with this?
    (क्या कोई मेरी इसमें मदद कर सकता है?)

Plural Indefinite Pronouns

Indefinite pronouns like many, few, several are plural and refer to more than one person or thing.

  • Few refers to a small number of people or things.
    Example: Few understood the lesson.
    (कुछ लोग ही सबक को समझ पाए।)
  • Several means more than two but not many.
    Example: Several students were absent today.
    (कई छात्र आज अनुपस्थित थे।)

Pronouns That Can Be Singular or Plural

Indefinite pronouns like all, none, some can be both singular or plural depending on the context.

  • All can refer to everything or everyone.
    Example: All of the cake is gone.
    (सारा केक खत्म हो गया है।)

    • This sentence refers to a singular cake.

    Example: All are invited.
    (सभी को निमंत्रित किया गया है।)

    • This sentence refers to a group of people, making it plural.
  • None can also be singular or plural depending on the situation.
    Example: None of the answers are correct.
    (उत्तरों में से कोई भी सही नहीं है।)
  • Some can be singular or plural.
    Example: Some of the water has evaporated.
    (पानी का कुछ हिस्सा वाष्पित हो गया है।)
    Example: Some of the students were late.
    (कुछ छात्र देर से आए थे।)

Key Points to Remember

  1. Indefinite pronouns refer to people or things in a general, non-specific way.
  2. Some indefinite pronouns are always singular (e.g., someone, something, nobody), while others are always plural (e.g., few, many).
  3. Certain indefinite pronouns, like all, none, and some, can be singular or plural depending on the context.
  4. Indefinite pronouns help make sentences smoother when you don’t need to refer to a specific person or thing.

Pronouns and Their Kinds in English Grammar

Distributive Pronouns: Definition and Examples

A distributive pronoun is used to refer to people or things one at a time, rather than collectively. These pronouns emphasize individuals within a group. The most common distributive pronouns are each, either, and neither.

  • Each refers to every individual member of a group separately.
  • Either refers to one of two options.
  • Neither refers to none of the two options.

In Hindi, distributive pronouns are often translated as “प्रत्येक,” “दोनों में से एक,” and “दोनों में से कोई नहीं.”

Distributive Pronouns in English

  1. Each: Refers to every single person or thing in a group, one by one.
  2. Either: Refers to one of two people or things.
  3. Neither: Refers to none of two people or things.

Examples with Hindi Translations

  1. Each (प्रत्येक)
    • Each of the students has completed their work.
      (प्रत्येक छात्र ने अपना काम पूरा कर लिया है।)
    • Each player on the team has a different role.
      (टीम के प्रत्येक खिलाड़ी की एक अलग भूमिका है।)
  2. Either (दोनों में से एक)
    • You can choose either book.
      (आप दोनों में से कोई भी किताब चुन सकते हैं।)
    • Either of the roads will take you to the city.
      (दोनों में से कोई भी सड़क आपको शहर तक पहुंचा देगी।)
  3. Neither (दोनों में से कोई नहीं)
    • Neither of the answers is correct.
      (दोनों में से कोई भी उत्तर सही नहीं है।)
    • Neither of the options appeals to me.
      (दोनों में से कोई भी विकल्प मुझे पसंद नहीं आया।)

Detailed Explanation with Hindi Translation


The distributive pronoun each refers to every individual member of a group separately. It emphasizes individual actions or characteristics.

  • Each student must submit the assignment.
    (प्रत्येक छात्र को असाइनमेंट जमा करना होगा।)

    • Here, “each” refers to every student individually.
  • Each of the books is interesting.
    (प्रत्येक पुस्तक दिलचस्प है।)

    • “Each” indicates that every single book is interesting on its own.


The distributive pronoun either is used when referring to one of two choices or options. It indicates that only one of the two is considered.

  • You can have either coffee or tea.
    (आप कॉफी या चाय में से एक चुन सकते हैं।)

    • “Either” means only one of the two drinks can be chosen.
  • Either option is acceptable.
    (दोनों में से कोई भी विकल्प स्वीकार्य है।)

    • This sentence means one of the two options is fine, without specifying which.


The distributive pronoun neither is used to refer to none of the two choices or options. It expresses a negative sense, meaning that none of the options are suitable.

  • Neither of them speaks French.
    (दोनों में से कोई भी फ्रेंच नहीं बोलता है।)

    • Here, “neither” indicates that none of the two people can speak French.
  • Neither movie is worth watching.
    (दोनों में से कोई भी फिल्म देखने लायक नहीं है।)

    • “Neither” means that both movies are unsatisfactory.

Key Points to Remember

  1. Each is used when talking about individuals in a group, emphasizing them one by one.
    Example: Each of the students passed the test.
    (प्रत्येक छात्र ने परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण की।)
  2. Either is used to refer to one of two options.
    Example: Either of you can go.
    (तुम दोनों में से कोई एक जा सकता है।)
  3. Neither is used when none of the two options are acceptable.
    Example: Neither of the answers is correct.
    (दोनों में से कोई भी उत्तर सही नहीं है।)

Pronouns and Their Kinds in English Grammar

Relative Pronouns: Definition and Examples

A relative pronoun is a word that introduces a relative clause and connects it to the noun or pronoun it modifies. Relative pronouns provide more information about the noun or pronoun in the main clause. Common relative pronouns in English are who, whom, whose, which, and that.

In Hindi, relative pronouns are translated as “जो,” “जिसे,” “जिसका,” etc., and they are used to link clauses together and provide additional information about a person, thing, or possession.

Common Relative Pronouns

  1. Who: Refers to people and is used as the subject of a clause.
  2. Whom: Refers to people and is used as the object of a clause.
  3. Whose: Refers to possession.
  4. Which: Refers to things or animals.
  5. That: Refers to people, animals, or things and can be used in defining relative clauses.

Examples with Hindi Translations

  1. Who (जो, जिसने)
    • The teacher who explained the lesson is very kind.
      (वह शिक्षक जिसने पाठ समझाया, बहुत दयालु है।)
    • She is the girl who won the competition.
      (वह लड़की है जिसने प्रतियोगिता जीती।)
  2. Whom (जिसे, जिसे)
    • The person whom you called is my friend.
      (जिस व्यक्ति को आपने बुलाया था, वह मेरा दोस्त है।)
    • He is the man whom I saw at the market.
      (वह वह आदमी है जिसे मैंने बाजार में देखा था।)
  3. Whose (जिसका, जिनका)
    • This is the boy whose father is a doctor.
      (यह वह लड़का है जिसका पिता डॉक्टर है।)
    • The woman whose car was stolen is very upset.
      (वह महिला जिसकी कार चोरी हो गई थी, बहुत परेशान है।)
  4. Which (जो, जिसे)
    • This is the book which I was talking about.
      (यह वह किताब है जिसके बारे में मैं बात कर रहा था।)
    • The house, which was painted last year, looks beautiful.
      (वह घर, जिसे पिछले साल रंगा गया था, बहुत सुंदर दिखता है।)
  5. That (जो, वह)
    • This is the movie that I liked the most.
      (यह वह फिल्म है जो मुझे सबसे ज्यादा पसंद आई।)
    • The dog that barked last night is very friendly.
      (वह कुत्ता जिसने कल रात भौंका, बहुत दोस्ताना है।)

Detailed Explanation with Hindi Translation


The relative pronoun who is used to refer to people and functions as the subject of a relative clause. It provides more information about a person mentioned earlier in the sentence.

  • The girl who is standing there is my sister.
    (वह लड़की जो वहां खड़ी है, मेरी बहन है।)

    • Here, “who” refers to the girl and connects the clause providing more details about her.


The relative pronoun whom is used to refer to people and functions as the object of a relative clause. It often follows prepositions and helps in describing someone who is the object of the action.

  • The person whom you met yesterday is my boss.
    (वह व्यक्ति जिसे आपने कल मिला था, मेरा बॉस है।)

    • “Whom” is used here to indicate that the person is the object of the action (met).


The relative pronoun whose indicates possession. It is used to show that something belongs to someone.

  • She is the girl whose brother is an engineer.
    (वह लड़की है जिसका भाई इंजीनियर है।)

    • “Whose” shows that the brother belongs to the girl.


The relative pronoun which is used for things or animals. It introduces extra information about a thing or animal mentioned earlier.

  • The car which I bought last year is very fast.
    (वह कार जिसे मैंने पिछले साल खरीदा था, बहुत तेज़ है।)

    • “Which” introduces the clause that provides more information about the car.


The relative pronoun that is used for people, animals, and things. It is commonly used in defining relative clauses, which provide essential information to identify the subject.

  • The cake that she baked was delicious.
    (वह केक जो उसने बेक किया था, स्वादिष्ट था।)

    • “That” connects the clause “that she baked” to describe the cake.

Key Points to Remember

  1. Who is used to refer to people and functions as the subject of the clause.
    Example: The woman who is speaking is a doctor.
    (वह महिला जो बोल रही है, एक डॉक्टर है।)
  2. Whom is used to refer to people and functions as the object of the clause.
    Example: The person whom I invited is my friend.
    (वह व्यक्ति जिसे मैंने बुलाया, मेरा दोस्त है।)
  3. Whose is used to indicate possession.
    Example: The boy whose bike was stolen is sad.
    (वह लड़का जिसकी साइकिल चोरी हो गई थी, उदास है।)
  4. Which is used to refer to things or animals.
    Example: The movie which I watched was excellent.
    (वह फिल्म जिसे मैंने देखा, बेहतरीन थी।)
  5. That is used for people, animals, and things and is often used in defining clauses.
    Example: The book that I borrowed is interesting.
    (वह किताब जो मैंने उधार ली थी, दिलचस्प है।)

Examples Summary

  1. Who (जो, जिसने)
    • The man who called me is my boss.
      (वह आदमी जिसने मुझे फोन किया, मेरा बॉस है।)
  2. Whom (जिसे)
    • The girl whom you met is my friend.
      (वह लड़की जिसे आपने मिला, मेरी दोस्त है।)
  3. Whose (जिसका, जिनका)
    • The woman whose car was parked here is angry.
      (वह महिला जिसकी कार यहां खड़ी थी, गुस्से में है।)
  4. Which (जो)
    • The painting which was sold last week is very famous.
      (वह पेंटिंग जो पिछले हफ्ते बेची गई थी, बहुत प्रसिद्ध है।)
  5. That (जो, वह)
    • The phone that I bought is expensive.
      (वह फोन जो मैंने खरीदा, महंगा है।)

Relative pronouns are essential for connecting ideas in sentences, making them more descriptive and informative. Proper usage of who, whom, whose, which, and that helps create clear and coherent sentences in both English and Hindi.

Pronouns and Their Kinds in English Grammar

Interrogative Pronouns: Definition and Examples

An interrogative pronoun is used to ask questions and refers to a person, animal, or thing that the question is about. These pronouns help to gather information by replacing the noun in the question. The common interrogative pronouns in English are who, whom, whose, which, and what.

In Hindi, interrogative pronouns are translated as “कौन,” “किसे,” “किसका,” “कौनसा,” “क्या,” etc., depending on the context of the question.

Common Interrogative Pronouns

  1. Who: Refers to people (subject of the question).
  2. Whom: Refers to people (object of the question).
  3. Whose: Refers to possession.
  4. Which: Refers to a choice between a specific set of items.
  5. What: Refers to things, asking for general information.

Examples with Hindi Translations

  1. Who (कौन)
    • Who is your favorite teacher?
      (आपके पसंदीदा शिक्षक कौन हैं?)
    • Who called you last night?
      (आपको कल रात किसने फोन किया?)
  2. Whom (किसे)
    • Whom did you invite to the party?
      (आपने पार्टी में किसे आमंत्रित किया?)
    • Whom are you talking to?
      (आप किससे बात कर रहे हैं?)
  3. Whose (किसका)
    • Whose book is this?
      (यह किसकी किताब है?)
    • Whose idea was it to organize the event?
      (कार्यक्रम आयोजित करने का विचार किसका था?)
  4. Which (कौनसा/कौनसी)
    • Which dress do you want to wear?
      (आप कौनसी ड्रेस पहनना चाहती हैं?)
    • Which car do you prefer?
      (आप कौनसी कार पसंद करते हैं?)
  5. What (क्या)
    • What is your name?
      (आपका नाम क्या है?)
    • What are you doing?
      (आप क्या कर रहे हैं?)

Detailed Explanation with Hindi Translation


The interrogative pronoun who is used to ask about a person who is the subject of the sentence. It is used when we want to know the identity of the person performing the action.

  • Who is coming to the meeting?
    (बैठक में कौन आ रहा है?)

“Who” is asking about the person who will attend the meeting.

  • Who will help you with the project?
    (आपकी परियोजना में कौन आपकी मदद करेगा?)

“Who” is used to ask about the person offering help.


The interrogative pronoun whom is used to ask about a person who is the object of the verb in the sentence. It is typically used in more formal contexts or after prepositions.

  • Whom did you see at the mall?
    (आपने मॉल में किसे देखा?)

“Whom” is asking about the person who was seen.

  • To whom did you give the gift?
    (आपने उपहार किसे दिया?)

“Whom” refers to the person who received the gift.


The interrogative pronoun whose is used to ask about possession. It indicates that the question is related to something that belongs to someone.

  • Whose car is parked outside?
    (बाहर किसकी कार खड़ी है?)

“Whose” asks who the owner of the car is.

  • Whose jacket are you wearing?
    (आपने किसकी जैकेट पहनी है?)

“Whose” inquires about the owner of the jacket.


The interrogative pronoun which is used when a choice between a limited number of options is required. It is often used when the speaker knows that there are specific choices available.

  • Which movie do you want to watch?
    (आप कौनसी फिल्म देखना चाहते हैं?)

“Which” is asking to select a movie from available options.

  • Which of these books is yours?
    (इन पुस्तकों में से कौनसी आपकी है?)

“Which” asks for a specific choice between the given books.


The interrogative pronoun what is used to ask for information about things or actions. It is used to ask questions when the speaker does not know the possible answers.

  • What are you reading?
    (आप क्या पढ़ रहे हैं?)

“What” is asking about the thing being read.

  • What time is the meeting?
    (बैठक का समय क्या है?)

“What” asks for information about the meeting’s time.

Key Points to Remember

  1. Who is used to ask about people as the subject.
    Example: Who is at the door?
    (दरवाजे पर कौन है?)
  2. Whom is used to ask about people as the object.
    Example: Whom did you meet yesterday?
    (आपने कल किससे मुलाकात की?)
  3. Whose is used to ask about possession.
    Example: Whose pen is this?
    (यह किसका पेन है?)
  4. Which is used to ask about choices from a known set.
    Example: Which color do you like?
    (आपको कौनसा रंग पसंद है?)
  5. What is used to ask for information about things.
    Example: What are you cooking?
    (आप क्या पका रहे हैं?)

Examples Summary

  1. Who (कौन)
    • Who won the race?
      (दौड़ किसने जीती?)
  2. Whom (किसे)
    • Whom did you call?
      (आपने किसे बुलाया?)
  3. Whose (किसका)
    • Whose house is this?
      (यह किसका घर है?)
  4. Which (कौनसा)
    • Which way should we go?
      (हमें कौनसा रास्ता लेना चाहिए?)
  5. What (क्या)
    • What do you want for dinner?
      (आप रात के खाने में क्या चाहते हैं?)

Interrogative pronouns are essential for asking questions and gathering specific information. By using who, whom, whose, which, and what correctly, you can ask clear and meaningful questions in both English and Hindi.

Pronouns and Their Kinds in English Grammar

Reciprocal Pronouns: Definition and Examples


A reciprocal pronoun is used when two or more people, groups, or things perform an action together, where the action affects both parties equally. The main reciprocal pronouns in English are each other and one another. These pronouns indicate that two or more subjects are acting in the same way toward each other.

In Hindi, reciprocal pronouns are expressed through words like “एक-दूसरे” or “आपस में.”

Common Reciprocal Pronouns

  1. Each other: Used when referring to two people or things.
  2. One another: Used when referring to more than two people or things (though these terms are often used interchangeably).


Examples with Hindi Translations

  1. Each other (एक-दूसरे)
    • The two friends help each other.
      (दोनों दोस्त एक-दूसरे की मदद करते हैं।)
    • They were talking to each other during the meeting.
      (वे बैठक के दौरान एक-दूसरे से बात कर रहे थे।)
  2. One another (आपस में/एक-दूसरे)
    • The team members trust one another.
      (टीम के सदस्य आपस में एक-दूसरे पर भरोसा करते हैं।)
    • We should support one another in difficult times.
      (हमें कठिन समय में एक-दूसरे का समर्थन करना चाहिए।)


Detailed Explanation with Hindi Translation

Each Other

The reciprocal pronoun each other is used when two individuals or groups are involved in an action and are mutually benefiting or affecting one another.

  • John and Mary love each other.
    (जॉन और मैरी एक-दूसरे से प्यार करते हैं।)

This sentence shows that the love is mutual, both John and Mary love one another.

  • The two students help each other with their homework.
    (दोनों छात्र एक-दूसरे की होमवर्क में मदद करते हैं।)

Both students are helping each other, making it a reciprocal action.

One Another

The reciprocal pronoun one another is commonly used when more than two people or groups are involved in mutual actions.

  • The employees at the company respect one another.
    (कंपनी के कर्मचारी आपस में एक-दूसरे का सम्मान करते हैं।)

All employees have mutual respect for one another.

  • The players congratulated one another after the match.
    (खिलाड़ियों ने मैच के बाद एक-दूसरे को बधाई दी।)

The players are congratulating each other, showing mutual appreciation.

Key Points to Remember

  1. Each other is generally used when two people are involved in a reciprocal action.
    Example: The brothers fight with each other.
    (भाई एक-दूसरे से लड़ते हैं।)
  2. One another is typically used when more than two people are involved in the reciprocal action.
    Example: The students shared their notes with one another.
    (छात्रों ने एक-दूसरे से अपनी नोट्स साझा कीं।)

Examples Summary

  1. Each other (एक-दूसरे)
    • The cats are playing with each other.
      (बिल्लियाँ एक-दूसरे के साथ खेल रही हैं।)
  2. One another (आपस में/एक-दूसरे)
    • We should care for one another.
      (हमें एक-दूसरे का ख्याल रखना चाहिए।)

Difference between “Each Other” and “One Another”

Though each other is typically used for two people and one another for more than two, in modern English, these terms are often used interchangeably. However, in more formal contexts, it is still better to use each other for two entities and one another for more than two.

For example:

  • The two sisters support each other.
    (दो बहनें एक-दूसरे का समर्थन करती हैं।)
  • The team members rely on one another.
    (टीम के सदस्य एक-दूसरे पर निर्भर करते हैं।)

Reciprocal pronouns like each other and one another are essential to express mutual actions or feelings between subjects. By using them, you can clearly convey that two or more parties are interacting in the same way toward each other.

Pronouns and Their Kinds in English Grammar

Possessive Pronouns: Definition and Examples


A possessive pronoun is a pronoun that shows ownership or possession. It indicates that something belongs to someone. Possessive pronouns replace nouns to avoid repetition in a sentence, and they do not require an apostrophe (’).

The common possessive pronouns are: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, and theirs.

In Hindi, possessive pronouns are translated as “मेरा/मेरी/मेरे,” “तुम्हारा/तुम्हारी/तुम्हारे,” “उसका/उसकी,” “उनका/उनकी,” etc.

Common Possessive Pronouns

  1. Mine: Belongs to me (मेरा/मेरी/मेरे).
  2. Yours: Belongs to you (तुम्हारा/तुम्हारी/तुम्हारे).
  3. His: Belongs to him (उसका).
  4. Hers: Belongs to her (उसकी).
  5. Its: Belongs to it (इसका).
  6. Ours: Belongs to us (हमारा/हमारी/हमारे).
  7. Theirs: Belongs to them (उनका/उनकी).

Examples with Hindi Translations

  1. Mine (मेरा/मेरी/मेरे)
    • This book is mine.
      (यह किताब मेरी है।)
    • The car in the driveway is mine.
      (ड्राइववे में खड़ी कार मेरी है।)
  2. Yours (तुम्हारा/तुम्हारी/तुम्हारे)
    • Is this pen yours?
      (क्या यह पेन तुम्हारा है?)
    • The blue bag is yours.
      (नीला बैग तुम्हारा है।)
  3. His (उसका)
    • The dog is his.
      (कुत्ता उसका है।)
    • The jacket on the chair is his.
      (कुर्सी पर जो जैकेट है, वह उसका है।)
  4. Hers (उसकी)
    • That house is hers.
      (वह घर उसका है।)
    • The dress on the hanger is hers.
      (हैंगर पर जो ड्रेस है, वह उसकी है।)
  5. Its (इसका)
    • The cat has its own bed.
      (बिल्ली का अपना बिस्तर है।)
    • The company has its own policy.
      (कंपनी की अपनी नीति है।)
  6. Ours (हमारा/हमारी/हमारे)
    • This is our house, and that one is ours too.
      (यह हमारा घर है, और वह भी हमारा है।)
    • The victory is ours.
      (जीत हमारी है।)
  7. Theirs (उनका/उनकी)
    • The decision is theirs.
      (फैसला उनका है।)
    • The bikes in the garage are theirs.
      (गैरेज में जो बाइक हैं, वे उनकी हैं।)

Detailed Explanation with Hindi Translation


Mine is used to indicate possession when something belongs to the speaker. It eliminates the need to repeat the noun.

  • This toy is mine.
    (यह खिलौना मेरा है।)

“Mine” shows that the toy belongs to the speaker.

  • The responsibility is mine.
    (ज़िम्मेदारी मेरी है।)

The speaker is taking ownership of the responsibility.


Yours is used to show that something belongs to the person being spoken to.

  • Is this bag yours?
    (क्या यह बैग तुम्हारा है?)

“Yours” is used to ask whether the bag belongs to the person.

  • The problem is yours to solve.
    (समस्या तुम्हारी है, इसे हल करना तुम्हारा काम है।)

It shows that the responsibility belongs to the person being addressed.


His shows possession by a male subject.

  • The wallet is his.
    (वॉलेट उसका है।)

“His” indicates that the wallet belongs to a male.

  • The victory is his.
    (जीत उसकी है।)

The success or victory is attributed to him.


Hers is used when something belongs to a female subject.

  • The red dress is hers.
    (लाल ड्रेस उसकी है।)

“Hers” shows that the dress belongs to a female.

  • This responsibility is hers.
    (यह ज़िम्मेदारी उसकी है।)

It indicates that the responsibility is owned by her.


Its is used for possession when referring to non-human things or animals.

  • The dog has its bone.
    (कुत्ते के पास उसकी हड्डी है।)

“Its” indicates that the bone belongs to the dog.

  • The organization has its own rules.
    (संगठन के अपने नियम हैं।)

“Its” shows possession by a non-living entity (organization).


Ours shows that something belongs to a group including the speaker.

  • This victory is ours.
    (यह जीत हमारी है।)

“Ours” shows that the victory belongs to the group.

  • That house is ours.
    (वह घर हमारा है।)

The house belongs to the speaker and the group.


Theirs is used to show possession by a group excluding the speaker.

  • The car is theirs.
    (कार उनकी है।)

“Theirs” shows that the car belongs to a group of people other than the speaker.

  • The decision is theirs.
    (फैसला उनका है।)

The decision belongs to them, not the speaker.

Key Points to Remember

  1. Mine: Used when something belongs to me (मेरा/मेरी/मेरे).
    Example: The bag is mine.
    (बैग मेरा है।)
  2. Yours: Used when something belongs to you (तुम्हारा/तुम्हारी/तुम्हारे).
    Example: Is this pen yours?
    (क्या यह पेन तुम्हारा है?)
  3. His: Used when something belongs to him (उसका).
    Example: The book is his.
    (किताब उसकी है।)
  4. Hers: Used when something belongs to her (उसकी).
    Example: The bike is hers.
    (बाइक उसकी है।)
  5. Its: Used when something belongs to it (non-human or animal, इसका/उसका).
    Example: The tree has its own leaves.
    (पेड़ के अपने पत्ते हैं।)
  6. Ours: Used when something belongs to us (हमारा/हमारी/हमारे).
    Example: The house is ours.
    (घर हमारा है।)
  7. Theirs: Used when something belongs to them (उनका/उनकी).
    Example: The decision is theirs.
    (फैसला उनका है।)

Possessive pronouns make sentences clear and concise by replacing the nouns that show ownership. They are a key part of forming smooth, flowing language in both English and Hindi.

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