A Letter to god main points Board exam 2023-24

1. Lencho was a farmer.

2. His house stood alone in the valley, on top of a hill.

3. Lencho’s fields needed rain for a good harvest.

4. He eagerly looked at the sky, and finally, it rained.

5. To him, the raindrops were like precious coins.

6. But his joy was short-lived because large hailstones fell after the rain.

7. The hailstones wrecked all the leaves on trees, plants, and flowers.

8. It seemed there would be no crops that year.

9. There was only one hope: help from God.

10. The next Sunday, he wrote a letter to God.

11. He needed a hundred pesos to replant his fields and live until the new crop grew.

12. He wrote “To God” on the envelope and dropped it in the mailbox.

13. The postman laughed and took it to the postmaster.

14. The postmaster chuckled too, but then he got serious.

15. He decided to respond to the letter and assist Lencho.

16. He gathered seventy pesos from his employees and added some from his own salary.

17. He put the money in an envelope and sent it to Lencho.

18. Lencho had strong faith in God, so he wasn’t surprised when he got the money.

19. His joy turned to anger because he was missing thirty pesos.

20. Lencho couldn’t believe that God would deceive him.

21. He wrote another letter to God, reminding Him that he only received 70 pesos.

22. He asked God not to send the remaining 30 pesos through the mail because he thought the post office workers were dishonest.